Unparalleled Size-Based Separation Efficiency
Jordi Labs pioneered the science of ultra high resolution GPC, in which separation efficiency is increased by a factor of at least four over standard GPC column sets. Typically four to six low pore size (500 Å) columns are connected in series to provide optimized resolution and allow for the separation of individual -mers. GPC-HR also utilizes columns of increased length (50 cm) to boost resolution. Jordi Labs manufactures its own line of GPC columns to ensure that functionalized, low pore columns are in-stock to perform your GPC testing with the highest resolution possible!
For ultra-high resolution, Jordi Labs is your trusted source for the scientific expertise and columns you need!
- Determination of Mn, Mw, Mz and PDI
- Increased separation of overlapping peaks for Fraction Collection
- Quantitation of Polymeric and Oligomeric components