Rapid identification of your polymer!
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is one of the most versatile methods for identification of unknowns. The sample is identified based on its absorption or transmittance of infrared light. A spectrum is prepared showing the wavelength of light absorbed. The sample spectrum can be compared with a database of spectra for thousands of known compounds to assist in identification. This method is excellent for identification of plastics in terms of polymer class. A limited number of inorganic compounds can also be identified.
FTIR is well suited for determining bulk chemistry (components >5%) and provides identification based on functional group type, such as alkanes (-CH3, -CH2, -CH), carbonyls (ester, ketone, and amide), and ethers (-C-O-C-). Jordi Labs can compare spectra from your samples with an extensive library of more than 23,000 entries to determine the best match and identify your material.
- Identification of unknowns
- Thousands of known compounds on file for a guaranteed identification!