Quite possibly the best way to identify polar unknowns is Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy (LC-MS). LC/MS excels in the identification of ionizable species. Jordi Labs can achieve reliable and accurate quantitation at the sub part-per-billion level using the Triple Quadrupole Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (QQQ-LCMS). Using unique multiple-reaction-monitoring fragmentation, the QQQ-LCMS provides unmatched selectivity and sensitivity. Make extensive sample preparation and concentration a thing of the past with an average instrumental detection of 10 to 1000 PARTS-PER-TRILLION!
- Superior selectivity
- Superior detection
- Superior quantitation
- Superior unknown identification
- Structural elucidation
- Quantitation at Low ppb levels
- Identify polar polymer additives
- Trace component detection